
  • Iva Šumonja Veterinary practice Uvodić, Mavrinci 2, 51219 Čavle, Croatia
  • Tina Kotnik * Small Animal Clinic, Veterinary faculty, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia,



dysbiosis, pyoderma, canine atopic dermatitis, bacteriophages, phage therapy


Bacterial overgrowth, also known as dysbiosis, is a common concomitant of canine atopic dermatitis. Microbial diversity is decreased and coagulase-positive staphylococci are more abundant in dogs with canine atopic dermatitis compared to healthy dogs. Antimicrobial therapy restores the diversity of the skin microbiome; however, this effect can diminish after treatment is discontinued. Therapies for skin dysbiosis have traditionally included antibiotics and antiseptic medications. Due to increasing microbial resistance to antibiotics, the era of novel antimicrobial agents for the treatment of skin infections has already begun. Recent research highlights potential new treatment options, of which one of the most promising appears to be the use of bacteriophages. Bacteriophages are viruses that can infect and kill bacteria without having negative effects on human or animal cells. This article provides an update on human and veterinary research on phage therapy as a potential approach for the treatment of bacterial infections, with a focus on the treatment of skin dysbiosis in atopic dogs. The clear clinical potential of phage therapy, its advantages and disadvantages, and the legal, biological, technical, and economic challenges it faces for its further implementation and wider application are outlined.

Disbioza kože pri atopičnih psih: ali je zdravljenje z bakteriofagi lahko
alternativa zdravljenju z antibiotiki?

Bakterijsko preraščanje, poimenovano tudi disbioza, pogosto spremlja atopijski dermatitis pri psih. Pri bolnih psih je v primerjavi z zdravimi opazna zmanjšana mikrobna raznovrstnost, prevladujejo pa koagulazno pozitivni stafilokoki. Protimikrobno zdravljenje sicer obnovi pestrost mikrobioma, vendar učinek lahko hitro mine, ko z zdravljenjem prenehamo. Disbiozo kože običajno zdravimo z antibiotiki in antiseptiki. Novi načini zdravljenja so zaradi naraščajoče odpornosti bakterij proti antibiotikom že našli svoje mesto v raziskavah. Med njimi se uporaba bakteriofagov zdi ena izmed bolj obetavnih potencialnih možnosti zdravljenja. Bakteriofagi so virusi, ki okužijo in ubijejo bakterije, ne da bi imeli negativen vpliv na živalske ali človeške celice. Članek povzema najnovejše raziskave v veterinarski in humani medicini s področja zdravljenja bakterijskih okužb z bakteriofagi. Še posebej se osredotoča na zdravljenje disbioze kože pri psih z atopijskim dermatitisom. V članku avtorici izpostavita jasen klinični potencial uporabe bakteriofagov pri zdravljenju, prednosti in slabosti tega zdravljenja ter pravne, biološke, tehnične in ekonomske izzive, s katerimi se raziskovalci soočajo v želji po uvedbi tega načina zdravljenja v širšo uporabo.

Ključne besede: disbioza; piodermija; pasji atopijski dermatitis; bakteriofagi; zdravljenje s fagi



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How to Cite

Šumonja, I., & Kotnik, T. (2024). SKIN DYSBIOSIS IN ATOPIC DOGS: IS PHAGE THERAPY AN ALTERNATIVE TO ANTIBIOTICS?. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 61(2), 85–96.



Review Article